Complete set of notes on LINEAR ALGEBRA for CSIR NET exam that is exclusively compiled & managed by Dr Gajendra Purohit.
The notes for CSIR NET Mathematics have been prepared according to the Mathematics exam syllabus.
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Definition :
An equation involving derivatives with respect to an independent variable and involve dependent variable is called an Ordinary Differential Equation.
Order of Differential Equation :
The order of highest derivatives is called the order of Differential Equation.
Example :
Degree of Differential Equation :
The degree of the highest derivatives is called degree of the Differential Equation.
Example :
Linear differential equation :
The Differential Equation is called linear if
(i) every dependent variable and its derivatives occurs in the first degree only
(ii) No product of dependent variable and its derivatives.
Non-linear Differential Equation :
The Differential Equation which is not linear is called non-linear Differential Equation.
A General differential equation of first order and first degree is of the form
where M, N are functions of x and y both.
CaseI: Variable separable:
An equation whose variables are separable and can be put in the form g(x)dx+h(y)dy=0 is called an equation of variable separable form. Integrating, ∫g(x)dx+∫h(y)dy=0 , where c is an arbitrary constant. This is the general solution of the differential equation.
Case II: Equations reducible to variable separable: To solve the equation
Method to solve:
Putting in
which is of the type “Variable Separable” and hence can be solved.
Case III: Equations reducible to homogeneous equations
To solve the equation
Method to solve:
- Put x = X +h , y = Y + k.
- Equate the constant terms of numerator and denominator to zero and find the values of h and k.
- Proceed as in case III
Method to solve:
- Put a1 x + b1 y = v
- The equation gets reduced to variable separable form in v and x.
Case IV: Linear differential equations of first order
Case V: Equations reducible to linear differential equation
Method to solve
- Dividing throughout by yn.
- Putting y1-n = z and get the linear equation in z.
- Proceed as in Case V.
Exact Differential Equation
Linear differential equation with constant coefficients
A linear differential equation with constant coefficients is one in which the dependent variable and its differential coefficients occur only in the first degree and are not multiplied together.
(Where P0, P1, P2, …,Pnare constants and Q is a function of x) is the linear equation of the nth order.
Auxiliary Equation (A.E.):
Auxiliary equation is obtained by equating to zero the symbolic co-efficients of y. Thus,
Method to solve the equation:
Linear differential equations with variable coefficients
Then the necessary and sufficient condition such that. . has a solution
Iff f(x, y) is integrable.
The Lipschitz Condition :
Theorem :
Existence and Uniqueness theorem :
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Tag:basis and dimension, basis and dimension of a vector space, linear transformation definition, linear transformation examples solution, linear transformation in linear algebra, linear transformation in vector space, linear transformation matrix, linear transformation of matrix, vector spaces and subspace, vector spaces and subspaces solved example